In 'You coming?' we explore the meaning of sensuality, love and lust together with sex worker Lola. A look behind the window, beyond superficial glances and social stigma. What do we see in the reflection? What can we learn from the oldest profession in the world?.
Concept Lieke van der Vegt
Performance Lieke van der Vegt and Lola
Artistic Coaching Naomi Steijger
End Direction Anne van der Vegt
Costume and Set Design Nine van Weert
Artistic Contribution Marthe Koning
Production Carlijn Hartlief
Sound Designer Mathijs van Til
Light Advice Freek Ros
Technology (Light / decor) Iwan Kolk
Technology (Allround / showcrew) Daan Storteboom
Set Construction Sjef Mols
Pilot Set Construction Luc van der Vegt
Audivers (headphones) Leen Hogenes
Caretaker Show Location Peter van Til
Marketing Thomas Siemonsma
Poster Photography Nadia Morsink
Poster Design Lieke van der Vegt
Video Sjoerd Hofstra
Thanks To Rudi Meulenbroek and VIA ZUID
Experienced Experts Zwolse pleziertje en M. en R.
Content Advisor Bart Jansen
Zwolse Theaters Mirjam Reyneveld and Keimpe de Jong
VAKTOR Yorick Zwart and Maartje de Faria
Zwolse theaters Technology, Administrative and Marketing Departments