A razor sharp stiletto darts through the spotlight and buries itself in the trunk of an old oak. A real icon has entered the forest grounds, and is not to be fucked with. In the distance A Motherfucking Diva appears on the bow of a phantom ship, sailing on former glory. There they are: a shining star, a real icon and a motherfucking diva. Sparkling like real stars: lonesomely smoldering in the distance.
‘DREAM BABY SCREAM’ is a site-specific grotesque and visual performance about the dark side of Showbizz. The American Dream gained foothold in Dutch territory. Inspired by the highly recognizable Hollywood movie genre musical biographical picture they dive into the tragedy that hides behind this insatiable generation. An intimate spectacle about those who will always yearn for sweet success.
Performance and Creators Just van Bommel, Lieke van der Vegt, Laila Claessen
Artistic Coach Luit Bakker
Production Roy Jakobs
Sound designer Jonathan Bonny
Costume Design Nine van Weert
Hair and Make Up Sara Schoon
Poster photography QiQi from Boheemen
Poster design Hannes Schievink
Poster makeup Angus mc Millan